33 Weeks Baby #2

Technically not 33 weeks until tomorrow, but still, how did I get to 33 weeks??

Fortunately, work is slowing down so I feel like I have a handle on that.  There is a lot to do to prep for this baby still, like hospital and FMLA paperwork, rearranging the house, etc.  I’ll get there.  All in addition to LIFE, which does not stop. Ryan is in another job change yet again, and I am desperately trying to balance the budget and his ego, and pray, pray, pray for guidance as his wife. Abby is now 2.5, and her personality, stuff, presence just overflows our home and hearts more and more every day.  She is at such an emotional age where everything is “no!” and a battle.  I wonder how I’ll fit a newborn into the mix.  But mothers have been doing it for thousands of years, right?

Week: 33

Weight gain: +~20 lbs

What I like about pregnancy:  I can’t eat as much as I used to.  I like this because I like to EAT, so I find myself being satisfied with less, and not being so shocked at what I consume.  I also love having my little girl in my belly, everywhere I go.  She’s an active one; constantly moving, kicking, turning. 

What I don’t like about pregnancy: Not being able to sleep on my stomach, not being as flexible and agile, the weight gain in my face, and having to pee all the time.

COVID-19:  How has COVID affected my pregnancy experience?  More in the early days, but not as much now.  I won’t be able to have visitors in post-natal care, not even my own daughter.  I have to wear a mask to all appointments, and Ryan has not been able to come to any ultrasounds.  But I find it’s been wonderful to have something to focus on, a date to look forward to, a life change, a humbling and primitive experience of the most mind-blowing variety.  I will have 2 daughters, who ever would have thought?  I am so, so blessed.  Hard to get annoyed by COVID or the election or anything else in the background.

Maternity Style: I had to throw this in there just as a stark contrast to what it was like with my first pregnancy. First time around I was in the office 5 days a week and had a rental subscription to maternity clothes. I wore all kinds of slacks and blouses and jewelry and colors. Welp, it’s work-from-home COVID time and I literally rotate through the same 3 sets of leggings and 3 maternity tank tops. Still stuffing myself into my regular clothes, too.

Baby girl #2: Who will she be? I know she’s much more active than Abby was. The million dollar question is will she have red hair like her sister? The amount of heartburn I get makes me think she’s got a full head. I also suspect she’ll be a bigger baby, based on weight gain and movement. For whatever reason I find myself visualizing her with dark hair. Abby is a socialite like her dad and sweet and caring like me. A sunshine temperament when she’s not being a terrible two-year-old. Will this next inherit our edges? Be competitive like her dad and astute like me? I would love another quiet homebody in the house to balance things out, but maybe, like her dad and sister, she will be as outgoing as ever. I can’t wait to see what she looks like.

A short update today as I sit at starbucks during my “work day.” I have some prayer and bible reading to do, a text to send to my friend who is hopefully about 7 weeks pregnant after 4 miscarriages and IVF, and some errands to run. Also a couple actual work emails 😉 How different life will look 7 weeks from now!

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