29.5 Weeks

Believe it or not, I am just about 30 weeks pregnant. I have less than 2 months of work left before I go on leave, a little over 2 months until we meet this baby. Starting to feel REALLY soon, which I both can’t wait for and also feel like there is a lot to do.

Week: 29

Month: 7

Baby is the size of a: Winter squash

Weight Gain: 18 lbs. I asked my doctor at my last appointment if everything is ok with my weight gain, since I seem to be gaining a lot more with this pregnancy than with the last. She laughed and said “It’s EVERYONE, pregnant or not.” It’s COVID, it’s stress, it’s being at home, it’s the gym being closed, it’s a recipe for weight gain, which is totally normal. Ok. So I’ll keep moving and trying to eat my veggies and protein and not worry too much. Gestational diabetes test came back normal, so that’s good.

What I am doing right: Taking all the vitamins, getting lots of sleep, letting myself rest and take it easy when I need to, thanks to working from home. Drinking lots of water, walking every day, and just overall not being that nervous about the transition.

What I am doing wrong: I’ve been eating the occasional turkey sandwich, and cleaning the cat litter box without a mask and gloves from time to time. I’ve also drank a glass of wine. And as mentioned before, diet not spectacular. It’s so true that the second time around everything is just a bit more lax. I’m also allowing these concessions in the name of just not stressing myself out too much.

Baby Celebrations: For a second baby, and especially in the time of COVID, celebrations and acknowledgements are few. But this weekend Ryan and I are going away for 1 night and 2 full days and leaving Abby with my parents. This is the first time we’ve done this! I am so excited! Also, my sisters and mom want us “girls” to get away for 1 night in some neighboring city to eat out, get our nails done, do some shopping and celebrate the baby. There are some nearby cities with less restrictions and I am THRILLED.

Physical Changes: Pregnant belly, noticeable veins, lots of light headedness and dizziness. Leg cramps. This baby stomps down on my bladder and organs unlike Abby ever did, so I have to pee a lot more frequently and am constantly saying “ack!”

Emotional Changes: Stressed about work, and my husband’s recent cut in pay as an independent contractor, and weepy from time to time (last night I nearly cried over the thought of my 11-year-old-but-healthy cat dying one day), but nothing entirely unexpected.

Birth/Bringing home Baby Plans: In the name of second pregnancies being more relaxed, I am all for the epidural, the maximum hospital stay, and as minimal fuss as possible. We don’t have the crib set up yet in our office, but we aren’t doing a full nursery for this baby (she’ll share a room with Abs once the night wakings normalize) so I don’t think there is a TON of work to prepare for.

The fun stuff: I’ve been saving some money to do some shopping! I have lots of baby girl things, but this baby deserves some fresh sheets, a baby book, some new clothes and seasonal items. Can’t wait to get everything sorted and washed and ready 🙂

What I’d Like to Focus On: Enjoying the fall season, praying for my baby, getting a lot of nasty work projects behind me, slowing down and taking it all in. It’s been a tough last month with a few brutal heat waves (Nor Cal is not accustomed to triple digit heat, and we don’t have air conditioning), Ryan travelling, a coworker leaving so more duties coming my way, and as always the financial woes of Ryan’s job. But the holidays are coming and a new baby, and that is my joyous focus. My doctor said I am lucky to be pregnant right now, as it’s a humbling and miraculous experience, and something tangible to focus on in all this time of uncertainty. Praise God!

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