25 weeks: baby #2

I am 25 weeks tomorrow, so I am going to consider this a 25 week update.  The last two weeks have been a mess, and I am still recovering.  First, Abby got sick.  Then I got sick, and it was BAD.  We were tested for COVID, which meant being in isolation for a week while we waited, so no work and no daycare.  While we were all miserable at home I decided to try potty training.  So far it’s been an overall success, but definitely added to the stress and strain of daily life.  I am back at work this week, Abby back in daycare with her big girl undies on, and just feeling exhausted and like I hit the ground running about 2 weeks behind on everything.  But the days march on.

Week: 25

Trimester: 2

Month: 5? 6? I never know.

Weight gain: As of about a week ago, up 13 lbs.  I seem to have figured out a “no dessert” rule and have overall been eating better, and weight gain holding off.  However….

Physical Changes: I feel gigantic.  Literally I am about the size today that I was 35 weeks pregnant with Abby.  All week the skin on my stomach has been itching, stretching.  I’ve noticed a bulging, huge vein high on the back of of my upper left thigh and groin.  And there is a cluster of spider veins on my right calf that I honestly thought was a bruise for a while until I looked closer.  Peeing all the time. Overall, pregnancy seems to be hitting hard, much harder than the first go round.  I am tired, stuffed up, immobile, but NOT COMPLAINING.  I am grateful for this phase of life, taking it easy when I can, and ready to exercise and stretch more, now that I’ve kicked that awful sickness.

Emotional/ Mental Changes:  I haven’t been too hormonal or mood-swingy, thank goodness.  Just tired.  No pregnancy brain or fears or concerns.  Ryan told me last night “I’m not nervous at all,” which was good to hear, since he is usually a nervous nelly.  I found that I am not nervous, either, and we are confident we will figure out a new baby in the household.

Names: Hannah

Fave foods:  Give me all the white nectarines and white peaches! Also: cheddar cheese, chocolate banana protein shakes (which I’ve turned everyone in the household onto), popsicles!

Aversions: Not into meat or cooking in general

Alcohol/ Caffeine:  Really wanting alcohol but steering clear, drinking 1 cup of coffee every morning, and on some days (like today), one at noon.

Most looking forward to:  Maternity leave! I am really feeling like Abby has been needing me more with all these changes and transitions, not to mention a new little life demanding my mothering around the clock.  I am looking forward to being able to devote more time to my family and household in general, without the distraction of work.

Biggest Concerns/ Fears:  At the moment, the heat.  It hasn’t been that hot of a summer so far, but now half way into August we have a week of 100 degree weather ahead.  I am working from home and do not have air conditioning, our house gets hot in the evenings, and being pregnant just makes it worse.

That’s all for now.  Glad I got a chance to reflect and sit down and think about being pregnant in the midst of these crazy weeks.

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