13.5 Weeks – it’s a GIRL!

And most importantly, all genetic screening indicators look great.

We both were certain it would be a boy, so were VERY surprised.  Of course, Ryan was a bit disappointed, but got over it quickly.  I feel like the luckiest person in the world.  To go from facing an existence with no children to having TWO DAUGHTERS is unfathomable.  I grew up with sisters in a very matriarchal family; having 2 girls is a dynamic I know well and love.  Generally speaking, girls are more responsible, calmer (as children) and do not grow up and leave their families.  I may have the exception to all of these, but am still so, so rich.

Today I am starting anew with the commitment to eat healthy.  Ryan said to me recently “from the outside looking in, I can tell you are eating very differently this pregnancy.”  When I asked him to elaborate, he remembered my first pregnancy with Abby I was concerned about eating any sugar or processed foods.  This time around, I’m just eating whatever.  The bad part is that Ryan doesn’t even see half the crap I eat.  If I’m being honest, I’ve been eating HORRENDOUSLY.  For example, I had a box of madeleines for lunch the other day.  Blame it on the nausea, or quarantine, or boredom or stress, or even being more relaxed with this pregnancy, I don’t know what it is.  But I gave myself a good scare by reading a lot of articles about how pregnancy diet can predispose a fetus to a lifetime of obesity. So, starting today, back on the wagon of whole foods.  I’m telling myself it’s not about portion control or calorie counting, but just about eating what is nourishing and what sounds good.

Ok, wordiness aside, regular pregnancy update:

Week:  13.5

Due Date: 11/28

Weight gain: About 4 or 5 lbs

Physical Changes:  Nausea/ morning sickness basically gone.  I am more tired this pregnancy, but probably thanks to a 2-year-old needing lots of care and being older.  My gut is bigger but doesn’t look “pregnant.”  I can still wear any non-maternity shirts and most pants, although I did wear maternity jeans the other day which was amazing.  I got all my maternity clothes out of storage, washed and sorted them, which was a fun project. I definitely need more summer things.

Emotional Changes: Not much.  A few moments here and there of feeling like I’m going to burst into tears, but all incidents were provoked, and few and far between.

Names: Overall, we are agreeing on a lot more options this time around.  We are considering Hannah, Josephine, Samantha, Gretchen, Evangeline, Juliet, Candace.

Cravings: Sugar, sweets, carbs and dairy.

“Forbidden” Foods:  I haven’t touched alcohol or raw fish or anything I shouldn’t.  I have started drinking caffeine again but keep it to 4 oz of coffee or 1 cup of tea a day.

Exercise: Thanks to working from home, I am getting ok exercise.  I’d say I average about 45 minutes of exercise 5 days a week, although it’s not strenuous exercise.  Walking the dog, at-home weights and squats and lunges, etc.

Who we’ve told:  We told our friends Chris and Noel first, who incidentally were the first we told about Abby.  They called to say they were expecting a baby November 20, and we said, that’s funny, we are expecting one November 28!  Family and friends know, I haven’t told my work yet.

Baby prep:  We’ve talked about how to execute a crib and sleeping arrangements but haven’t done anything yet.

Fears/ Concerns:  Diet, as discussed.  Gaining too much weight.

What I am most excited about: Oddly enough, the hospital stay after giving birth.  Sounds strange, but that was something I cut short last time and regretted.  I want to maximize my time to be waited on while I bond with the little life!

What I am least excited about:  Not looking forward to the first month of feeding around the clock and post-natal hormones going wild.

What I am doing right:  Not stressing.  Abby’s childcare finally opened back up (HALLELUJAH), so I’ve been able to catch my breath.  Working from home during quarantine is becoming a far less stressful lifestyle, and I am thankful for the time to walk the dog, take a lunch break in front my tv, run errands sans toddler if need be, pick my baby up early, and just relax.

What I need to improve on:  As I said above, DIET.  And water.  With Abby I was thirsty all the time.  This time around I have to really remind myself to finish a glass of water.

Ok that’s the end of my super long update – which was lots of fun to stop and indulge in the makings of this second pregnancy 😊

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